We have been honoured and encouraged with a variety of awards, that confirmed just how important our development is:
2014 - First Prize
Second Ibero Latin American Congress of ulcers and wounds
2013 - First Prize
Third International Congress of Pharmaceutical Sciences
2011 - First Prize
Second international Congress of Pharmaceutical Sciences
2011 - Winner Prize
Fourth International Simposium of Lactic Acid Bacteria
2010 - Winner
XLIII Congreso de la Sociedad Argentina Farmacología Experimental
2019 - Winner
Korea-LAC Summit, organized by Inter-American Development Bank and the Ministry of Economy and Finance of Korea
2018 - Winner
IMPACTEC Contest, organized by Buenos Aires City Hall and Singularity University
2018 - Finalist
100K Latam ContestOrganized by MIT and ITBA
2018 - Winner
Samsung Innova ContestOrganized by Samsung
2018 - Winner
IB50K Contest, Organized by the Balseiro Institute
2017 - Winner
SINAPTEC Innovation Program, organized by Stanford University, LATIPNET Foundation and Government of the City of Bs. As.
2016 - Winner
Everis Scientific Entrepreneurship Award - Biotech and Health
2015 - Winner
IAE Business School - Business Idea AwardAustral University